Advance Bid Deadline: Sept. 5th, 2017
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(updated Thu Oct 12 3:00:57 2017 E.S.T.)

Lot No. 156

Bidding Status:

Salvador Dali

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    "Petits Nus D’ Apollinaire"

    eight original etchings reworked in drypoints and hand colored, printed on Japon paper with the Dali blindstamp, , 1967, each signed by the artist in pencil , each numbered 3/95 from the total edition of 105 sets (with 10 proof sets),, As published by Pierre Argillet, Paris.

  • Condition:Generally in very good condition, the full sheets., some of the proofs with minor foxing. offered unframed.
  • Sheet: 28.5 x 38.2 cm
  • Plate: 12 x 9 cm
  • References: Recorded and illustrated in the Michler and Lopsinger catalog raisonne Nos. 199 to 206 (Page 156); also Albert Field 72-4 B,C,D,E,G,H,I,J. (Page 34).
  • Framing: offered unframed
  • Note: These etchings were published in the book/portfolio “Poemes secrets d’Apollinaire” 1967 which consisted of 18 etchings in total. A small separate printing of the set of eight vignettes were later published in this separate portfolio.
    The etchings themselves are mysteriously titled with the title having nothing to do with the subject matter. The probable reason for this is that they refer to poems by Apollinaire and are interpretive of these. The poet Apollinaire was a good friend of Picasso’s and an important literary figure. He was called up to fight in the First World War and was severely wounded. He died from his wounds at a very young age rather tragically. These etchings are a homage to the poet and apparently they have harmless nudes in interesting poses. They do, however, have different associations with the war such as the Trenches and “Nude, horse and death”. Dali has a surrealist interpretation of what was a significant and horrific event.

    Provided with the portfolio is a certificate signed by Jean-Christophe Argillet dated 2nd May 2014. In this he states that these etchings were published by his father and are signed by Salvador Dali.
US $
UK pound
Swiss Fr

* Estimates do not include 25% buyer's premium (see Terms and Conditions). NR means no reserve (minimum bid $50 unless otherwise posted). Estimates in other currencies based on conversion rates of Euro: 0.91 , British Pound 0.82, Swiss Fr 1.01. All conversion values are approximate with the final cost determined in dollars.
workcode: sd-1745h-36