Advance Bid Deadline: Nov. 14th, 2017
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(updated Mon Nov 6 14:13:11 2017 E.S.T.)

Lot No. 129

Bidding Status:

Jean Cocteau (After)

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    " Portrait D’Hermann Dietz "Double Portrait Of Herman Dietz"

    original ink and pencil on paper, , circa 1906/7, signed with the monogram lower right “JC” (An unusual annotation which the artist used) Annotated on the right above: “N/vous a pas script not’ papa Monsieur Bertrand! …. On nous (illegible)…. a Bertrand…. On vous lache!….. Triste!…. Triste!…., annotated upper left. , ,

  • Condition:In generally good condition.
  • Sheet: 12 by 7 3/8 in. (30.5 x 18.5 cm.)
  • Plate:
  • Provenance: Collection Dominique Bert, Le Louvre des Antquaires: Jean Cocteau Exhibition 23/3/2007 - 22/4/2007 - Illustrated in the catalogue number 8, page 15
  • Exhibitions: Aix-en-Provence, Galerie d’Art di Conseil Générale des Bouches-du-Rhone, “Autour de Cocteau” April-June 2005 (Reproduced in the catalogue)Evian, Palasis Lumiere “Jean Cocteau: Sur le pas d’un magician” February/May 2010
  • Framing: offered unframed
  • Note: This accomplished drawing was made when the artist was only about 16 years of age. Cocteau had been unsuccessful as a student failing his Bacalauriat. He was sent to Val-Andre, a Breton seaside resort, to the home of Hermann Dietz, a teacher at the Lyceee Buffon, who gave remedial courses to students. “He surprised us by the contrast between his Protestantism and his odalisque poses”, worse Cocteau, “He would stretch himself out , slither about, knot himself up and unknot himself, sending an arm here, a leg there”. Dietz was not successful in enthusing the bright student in his studies - Cocteau preferred tennis, paddling in the sea, working on his poems or sketching out his theatrical work. Cocteau’s first novel “Le Grand Ecart” , written in 1923, featured a “Monsieur Berlin” whose persona was modelled on Herman Dietz.

    Authentification: A certificate from the Jean Cocteau expert, Annie Guedras, dated 15th May 2002, Archive number 4123, comes with this item.Coillections:Collection Dominique Bert, Le Louvre des Antquaires: Jean Cocteau Exhibition 23/3/2007 - 22/4/2007 - Illustrated in the catalogue number 8, page 15 Exhibitions: Aix-en-Provence, Galerie d’Art di Conseil Générale des Bouches-du-Rhone, “Autour de Cocteau” April-June 2005 (Reproduced in the catalogue)Evian, Palasis Lumiere “Jean Cocteau: Sur le pas d’un magician” February/May 2010
US $
UK pound
Swiss Fr

* Estimates do not include 25% buyer's premium (see Terms and Conditions). NR means no reserve (minimum bid $50 unless otherwise posted). Estimates in other currencies based on conversion rates of Euro: 0.91 , British Pound 0.82, Swiss Fr 1.01. All conversion values are approximate with the final cost determined in dollars.
workcode: jc-1745a-55