Advance Bid Deadline: September 10, 2019
5:00 PM (P.S.T) 8:00 PM (E.S.T.) 0100 hr (London) 0200 hr (Continent)
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(updated Mon Sep 30 10:23:35 2019 E.S.T.)

Lot No. 380

Bidding Status: current bid 380 Pragma: no-cache
Status: .closed-sold.
current bid: $1000
hi bidder: ***e432

Andy Warhol(By_or_after) (After)

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super large

super large

super large

super large

super large

super large

    (Sherry Netherland Hotel Postcard Collection)

    8 cardboard postcards from the hotel, c. 1977, each signed with various signature styles in black marker, some with possible doodles,, ,

  • Condition: In very good condition. Well framed in conservation materials but not examined out of the frame.
  • Size: 12 1/2 by 43 in. (38 x 110 cm.)
  • Sheet: each 6 by 9 in. (15 x 22.5 cm.)
  • Provenance: Hollywood Storage Locker.
  • Framing: Framed in accordance with accepted conservation standards, acid free mats and mounts, removable hinging.
  • Note: In our considered opinion, the signatures are authentic. However we have no additional information on the source of these postcards or signatures and therefore the signatures are specifically exempt from our usual warranty.
US $
UK pound
Swiss Fr

* Estimates do not include 25% buyer's premium (see Terms and Conditions). NR means no reserve (minimum bid $50 unless otherwise posted). Estimates in other currencies based on conversion rates of Euro: 0.91 , British Pound 0.82, Swiss Fr 1.01. All conversion values are approximate with the final cost determined in dollars.
workcode: aw-1872k-28