Bidder Registration Form

Registration consists of two simple tasks:

First we need your identification and information.*
Phone (home):
Phone (other):
State-Province: Zip:
Country (if non US):
Non US Post Code:
Shipping Information(if differs above-may be filled in later when shipment due):
State-Province: Zip:
Non US Post Code:

Second you need a unique bidder's id**. To establish a unique bidders id, enter any three letters (a-z)
as your ID code:....input here.... .
Your complete bidder id consists of this letter code and the three digit number: .
Together this six digit id comprises your registered bidder id. Be prepared to write down the six digit code that is shown
after clicking the submit button so that you can use it with each bid

And finally to help stamp out spam enter abc123 in the live bidder verification box here:

Note: Buyer's Premium of 25% (see Terms & Conditions).Click to review how bidding works.
Submission of a bid automaticly signifies that you have read and understand the Terms and conditions.
* Auction registration information is not sold or otherwise distributed to parties not connected with the auction. ** Your unique bidder id is known only to you and the auction staff to prevent anyone from bidding in your name and to distinguish your bids from the other bidder's offers. You can check your bids submitted using this unique id at the "check your bids" link in the upper right corner of the auction pages.