Advance Bid Deadline: April 03, 2020
5:00 PM (P.S.T) 8:00 PM (E.S.T.) 0100 hr (London) 0200 hr (Continent)
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(updated Mon Aug 24 11:42:18 2020 E.S.T.)

Lot No. 186

Bidding Status:

A Gaudez

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    "Joan Of Arc"

    bronze,probably from a later casting, with rouge marlbe base, with legs, containing a clock labeled Richmond on porcelain face, c. 1920, with the incised signature , ,

  • Condition:Bronze dark, but otherwise in good condition. The marble base in good condition, the clock not currently working but not tested in any way.
  • Size: 32 by 11 x 11 in. (80 x 27 x 25 cm.)
US $
UK pound
Swiss Fr

* Estimates do not include 25% buyer's premium (see Terms and Conditions). NR means no reserve (minimum bid $50 unless otherwise posted). Estimates in other currencies based on conversion rates of Euro: 0.91 , British Pound 0.82, Swiss Fr 1.01. All conversion values are approximate with the final cost determined in dollars.
workcode: ag-1431a-06