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Advance Bid Deadline: October 12, 2021
5:00 PM (P.S.T) 8:00 PM (E.S.T.) 0100 hr (London) 0200 hr (Continent)
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(updated Thu Sep 23 7:24:52 2021 E.S.T.)

Lot No. 246

Bidding Status:

Zero Mostel

American (1915-1977)
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super large

super large

super large

super large


    oil on canvas, 1957?, signed lower right,dated, ,

  • Condition:In generally good condition but in need of a cleaning.
  • Size: 38 by 30 in. (95 x 75 cm.)
  • Framing: Sold framed
  • Note: Framed in a semi-antique frame which may predate the painting.

    Mostel grew up in New York City and Connecticut. He aspired to be an artist from an early age. After graduating (1935) from the City College of New York, he briefly studied art at New York University. He took various jobs, including teaching art, while pursuing a career as a serious painter. Mostel gave entertaining art lectures at various museums, which led to invitations to entertain at parties." He continued to paint throughout his career.
US $
UK pound
Swiss Fr

* Estimates do not include 25% buyer's premium (see Terms and Conditions). NR means no reserve (minimum bid $50 unless otherwise posted). Estimates in other currencies based on conversion rates of Euro: 0.85 , British Pound 0.73, Swiss Fr 0.92. All conversion values are approximate with the final cost determined in dollars.
workcode: zm-1881g-45