Advance Bid Deadline: December 09, 2023
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(updated Mon Nov 27 2:27:30 2023 E.S.T.)

Lot No. 257

Bidding Status: high bid , ,

Camile Pissarro

Danish/French 1830-1903
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super large

    "Vach Re Au Bord De L'eau"

    etching and drypoint on cream laid paper, 1890, , , Published by the Gazette des Beaux-Arts, Paris.

  • State: the eighth, final state.
  • Condition: A good impression with full margins as published, deckle edge two sides, minor edge defects remains of hinges verso.
  • Plate: 7 3/4x5 1/4 in. (19.8x13.2 cm; )
  • References: As illustrated and recorded in the Loys Delteil catalog, No. 93.
  • Framing: Archival matted with impressionist style frame.
  • Note: Gazette des Beaux-Arts was a French art chronicle and considered one of the leading art and literary periodicals of the day. Issues contained numerous illustrations to go along with the articles, mostly reproductions. But occasionally an artist would provide original graphics work to be bound in with the articles (woodcuts, lithographs, etchings) as was the case with this etching featured in an article on Pissaro's work.
US $
UK pound
Swiss Fr
750-1500 750,

* Estimates do not include 25% buyer's premium (see Terms and Conditions). NR means no reserve (minimum bid $50 unless otherwise posted). Estimates in other currencies based on conversion rates of Euro: 0.99 , British Pound 0.84, Swiss Fr 0.99. All conversion values are approximate with the final cost determined in dollars.
workcode: cp-2002a-31